How are you today? Today is Thursday, 16th April 2020.
Let's review some vocabulary related to FAMILY.
And... SURPRISE! This is my family:
Are you ready to introduce your family?
- Choose a photo of your family or draw them.
- Write: This is my mum / dad / brother / sister... (choose the correct word), and his / her name.
- Follow my example.
- Send it to

Look at LUCA's family! They are Silvia, Rodrigo, Luca, Noa and Mara Excellent Luca! Good job!
ALÉN drew a wonderful picture of aaaall his family. Excellent job Alén!
Look at BREOGÁN's family: Breo, Vítor, Xoel, Emma and Charo. They're hiking! Excellent Breo!
This is CLARA's family: Inma, Nuria, José Manuel and Clara. Excellent job Clara!
This is LEIRE's family: Juan, Leire, Jenny and Ares. Thank you Leire, it's a very beautiful picture!
LEO sent his family tree and a drawing he painted. He also sent a wonderful video! It's wonderful to listen to Leo. Thank you so much!
And look at DYLAN's family. They are Paola, Mingos, Chloé and Dylan. Thank you so much. Great job!
Look at PABLO's family: Javier, Violeta, Iván and Pablo. Excellent job Pablo!
IKER sent this great drawing. Look at his family! They are Irene, Iker, Mara and Rubén. Thank you!
Look at ALICIA's family. They are: Lucía, Toni, Manuel and Alicia. Excellent job Alicia!
This is XANDRE's family. Very good job Xandre!
Look at ALICIA's family. They are: Lucía, Toni, Manuel and Alicia. Excellent job Alicia!
This is XANDRE's family. Very good job Xandre!
Ola peques!
Como estades hoxe? Espero que estupendamente.
Hoxe déixovos vocabulario relacionado coa familia. Mirade a primeira foto para recordar as palabras.
E... sorpresa! Déixovos unha foto presentándovos a miña familia. E invítovos a presentarnos á vosa. Estades preparados e preparadas?
Que pasos teño que seguir?
- Escolle unha foto da túa familia ou debúxaos.
- Escribe ao lado de cada persoa: This is my mum / dad / brother / sister... (escolle a palabra correcta dependendo de quen sexa esa persoa) e despois escribe o seu nome.
- Segue o meu exemplo.
- Envíao ao correo
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