xoves, 14 de maio de 2020

FEELINGS (1st GRADE: 1ºA / 1ºB)

Good morning boys and girls!

Today is Thursday, 14th May 2020 and we are going to review the vocabulary related to the feelings and emotions.

Pay attention to these flashcards.

 And now let's play this memory game:

What about singing and dancing some songs? Here they are!

And now it's STORY TIME! Here you have the Story of  
THE COLOUR MONSTER. I love it and I hope you love it too.

And the song...

Let's play a game...


And what about you? How are you today? Why don't you draw your favourite colour monster and write your emotion below it?



LUCA (1ºB) is happy today. Excellent Luca!

Today LUCÍA (1ºA) is calm. Well done Lucía!

 SERGIO (1ºA) is also happy today. Good job Sergio!

Look at CELTIA's monster (1ºA). She is happy! Excellent Celtia! 

 How does LEO (1ºB) feel today? He is so calm. Great job Leo!

CLARA (1ºB) is a bit confused, buuuuuut it's ok because she is happy too! Excellent job Clara!


YLENIA (1ºB) is happy today. I love your drawing Ylenia! Well done!

ALÉN (1ºB) is happy today! Excellent job Alén! 

BREOGÁN (1ºB) is happy, too. Great job Breo!

PABLO (1ºB) is happy too. Excellent news! Well done Pablo! 

 ALICIA (1ºB) is happy today. I love your drawing Alicia, excellent!

DYLAN (1ºA) is angry today. Excellent job Dylan!  

Look at ALBERTO's monster (1ºA). It's yellow and green because he is happy and calm. Excellent!

INÉS (1ºA) is so calm today. Very good job Inés! 

 ANDRÉ (1ºA) feels a bit confused. Don't worry André! It's ok! 😉

 DANIELA (1ºB) is in love! Great job Daniela!

XANDRE (1ºA) is happy today. Excellent Xandre!

Have a wonderful day!

Ola peques!

Hoxe imos repasar o vocabulario das emocións. Déixovos uhas flashcards para que lles botedes un ollo e un memory game para que practiquedes. E que vos parece cantar e bailar varias cancións? Botádelles un ollo.

E despois... déixovos a marabillosa historia do Monstro de Cores que estou segura de que vos gusta tanto como a min. Mirade o vídeo e a canción. Despois de velo podedes xogar ao xogo de relacionar cada monstro coa súa emoción.

E  como vos sentides hoxe? Que vos parece se debuxades o monstro e o pintades da cor da vosa emoción? Debaixo escribide a frase I'M (HAPPY / SAD / SCARED...) a emoción que sintades e enviádemo para colgar aquí o debuxo. 

Unha aperta enorme!

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