xoves, 30 de abril de 2020

MY HOUSE (2nd GRADE: 2ºA / 2ºB)

Good morning kids!

Today is Thursday, 30th April 2020.

Look at this video.

And now... Would you like to record your own video? 
- You can show your own house.
- You can show a toy house.
- You can draw a house.
Whatever you want! But you have to record a video explaining the parts of the house. Ok? Are you ready?

You can send it to me and I will upload it here.

Thank you so much!!

Have a great day!


CAYETANA (2ºA) sent her video. Good job Cayetana! 

Look at MARÍA OTERO's video (2ºA). Excellent María!

RAÚL (2ºB) sent his video. Thank you Raúl! Very good job! 

Look at MARCO's house (2ºA). Thank you so much Marco! Excellent! 

JAVIER (2ºA) also sent the video of the house. Very good Javi, great job!

We can see YASMINA's house in this video (2ºA). Very good job Yasmina!

Look at IVÁN's house (2ºB)! It's a very special house because... it's a book! It's Teo's house. And Iván introduces Teo's family too. Very good job Iván!

We can see LUCÍA's house (2ºB) in this wonderful video.Excellent job Lucía! 

 Look at IAGO's house (2ºB). Excellent job Iago!

MARIO (2ºB) also sent his video. Look at his house! Excellent job Mario! 

Look at ELISA's video (2ºB). She explains perfectly well the parts of the house and even the family! Excellent job Elisa!

We can see MARCOS (2ºA) in this wonderful video. Look at his house! Very good Marcos!

This is MARÍA BRAVO's toy house (2ºA). Look, there is a lighthouse! Very good María!

And look at SARA's toy house (2ºA). It's very beautiful! Great job Sara!

SILVIA (2ºB) sent her video. We can see her toy house. Excellent job Silvia! 

LOLA INSUA (2ºA)  sent a video of her beautiful house. Great Lola!

Ola peques de 2º!

Hoxe tráiovos un vídeo sobre as partes da casa. Como podedes ver ensínovos unha casa e vouvos mostrando as habitacións que ten. 
Apetécevos facer o mesmo? Precisaríades facer un vídeo describindo unha casa, a que queirades! Pode ser a vosa casa, unha casa de xoguete, unha casa debuxada... o que vós escollades! O importante da actividade e que se vos escoite a voz e vaiades dicindo cal é cada habitación. Por exemplo: THERE IS A BEDROOM, THERE IS A BATHROOM, THERE IS A GARDEN... mentres ensinades cada lugar. 
Cando o teñades feito enviádesmo a thearousabridge@gmail.com e eu súboo aquí. É importante que o vídeo non sexa moi longo xa que se non non se pode subir facilmente.

Moitas grazas por participar e pasade un día marabilloso!

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