xoves, 7 de maio de 2020

WEATHER (2nd GRADE: 2ºA / 2ºB)

Good morning kids!

Today is THURSDAY, 7th MAY 2020 and we are going to review the vocabulary related to the WEATHER. Are you ready?

Look at the following videos:

And now... let's play some games!





And now you can do these worksheets. Send them to me when you finish, ok? Thank you! Click on the image to do it.

How's the weather?

Finally, what do you think about creating our own flashcards? You have to choose three words, draw them in a paper and write their names under the drawing. Like in this image:

The words to choose are:

SUNNY(soleado)                               STORMY (con tormenta)              FOGGY (con néboa)
CLOUDY (nubrado)                          RAINY (chuvioso)                         HAIL (granizo)
SNOWY (con neve)                           WINDY (ventoso)                           HOT (calor)
COLD (frío)                                       RAINBOW (arco da vella)
PARTLY CLOUDY (parcialmente nubrado, con sol e nubes)

Send the flashcards to me and I will post them here.


 Look at MARCO's flashcards (2ºA). He chose: rainbow, sunny and windy. Good job Marco!

CAYETANA (2ºA) chose: sunny, rainy and cloudy. Thank you for your effort Cayetana!

 JAVIER (2ºA) chose: rainbow, sunny and hot. Very good Javi!

 YASMINA (2ºA) chose: sunny, rainbow and rainy. Excellent job Yasmina!

Look at MARÍA OTERO's flashcards (2ºA). She chose: rainy, rainbow and sunny. Very good María!

DANIELLA (2ºA) designed these wonderful flashcards. She chose: windy, stormy and sunny. Excellent Daniella! 

 MARCOS (2ºA) chose: hail, cloudy and sunny. Well done Marcos!! Excellent flashcards!

Look at IVÁN's flashcards (2ºB). They're so colourful! Excellent job Iván!

Look at SILVIA's flashcard (2ºB). It's snowing! Excellent job Silvia! 

MARÍA BRAVO (2ºA) designed these wonderful flashcards. She chose: snowy, cloudy and sunny. Very good María!

 SARA (2ºA) sent her drawings. She chose: rainy, sunny and windy. Well done Sara!

 IAGO (2ºB) drew some wonderful flashcards. He chose: cold, hot and sunny. Excellent job!

 Look at ELISA's flashcards (2ºB). She chose: rainy, sunny and cloudy. They're great Elisa, very good!

NICOLÁS (2ºA) drew a flashcard with a wonderful sun. Excellent job Nico!

Have a great day!

Ola peques de 2º!

Hoxe imos repasar o vocabulario do tempo atmosférico. Primeiro podedes ver os vídeos para recordar as palabras. Despois propóñovos varios xogos:
  1. WACK A MOLE: o obxectivo é aplastar a toupa que levan as opcións correctas. Fixádevos moi ben!
  2. MEMORY GAME: hai que buscar as parellas correctas. Toca traballar esa memoria!
  3. CHOOSE THE WORD WHEN YOU SEE THE IMAGE: pouco a pouco unha imaxe irase vendo. Cando teñades claro o que é facede click na palabra correcta.
  4.  ORDER THE LETTERS: tendes que ordear as letras para formar as palabras.
Déixovos tamén dúas fichas moi sinxelas para facer.
  1. Na primeira tendes que arrastrar a palabra debaixo do seu debuxo correspondente.
  2. Na segunda fixádevos no debuxo e escollede a opción correcta. No segundo exercicio desta ficha tendes que ver o vídeo e contestar as preguntas. Prestade moita atención, estou segura de que o ides facer xenial!
Por último propóñovos facer as nosas propias flashcards como material de aula. Recordades como eran? Como as que usamos no cole para xogar a Simon Says ou ao Corner Game que tanto vos gusta. Do que se trata é de que escollades tres das palabras que vos deixo arriba, as debuxedes ben grandes nun folio e debaixo escribades o seu nome. Déixovos un exemplo dunha flashcard da palabra SUNNY para que vos sirva de axuda. Cando as teñades listas enviádeme unha foto e eu colgareinas aquí.

Que pasedes un día marabilloso!

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