Good morning 2nd and 3rd graders!
Today is Thursday, 14th May 2020. How are you? I hope you are great!
I want you to introduce yourselves Look at this video as example:
Can you do the same? I'm sure you can! You have to answer the next questions:
- What's your name? My name is ______.
- What are your surnames? My surnames are ______.
- How old are you? I'm ______ years old.
- Where are you from? I'm from ______.
- Where do you live? I live in ______.
- What's your favourite colour? My favourite colour is ______.
- What's your favourite food? My favourite food is ______.
You have to record yourselves answering these questions. You should write them before recording the video and create a small text like this one:
Hello! My name is Olalla. My surnames are Sánchez Ribadas. I'm 32 years old. I'm from Santiago, but I live in Vilagarcía. My favourite colour is purple and my favourite food is Spanish omelette.
When you finish, send your video and your text to
This is MARCO (2ºA). Well done Marco!
JAVIER (2ºA) sent his video and his text. Excellent job Javi, well done!
Look at YASMINA's introduction (2ºA). Very good Yasmina!
Pay attention to CAYETANA (2ºA). Excellent introduction Cayetana!
Look at ELISA (2ºB) and her introduction. Well done Elisa!
SILVIA (2ºB) sent a wonderful introduction. Listen to her lucky number! Excellent Silvia!
MANUEL (3ºA) introduces himself perfectly well in this video. Great job Manuel!
MARCOS (2ºA) sent this wonderful video. Excellent job Marcos!
Look at RAÚL's introduction (2ºB). Well done Raúl!
IVÁN (2ºB) sent this wonderful introduction with an extra question... what's his favourite hobby? Excellent Iván!
TELMA (2ºB) also introduces herself in this wonderful video. Well done Telma!
Pay attention to SARA (2ºB). What's her favourite food? Yummy! Excellent job Sara!
ANXO (3ºA) also introduces himself. Great job Anxo!
Look at NICOLÁS (2ºA). He did a great job! Excellent!
CATUXA (2ºA) wrote a wonderful text. It's perfect! Excellent job Catu!
Pay attention to IAGO (2ºB). Very good job Iago!
DANIEL (3ºA) did an excellent job. Listen to his introduction!
MARIÑA (3ºB) sent her introduction. Very good Mariña, well done!
Pay attention to ÁLVARO (3ºB). Well done! Very good job!
MARTÍN (3ºB) sent his video. Very good job Martín, excellent!
Look at MARÍA OTERO's introduction (2ºA). Excellent job María!
CHRISTIAN (3ºA) sent his introduction too. It's great Christian, very good!
ÁLEX (3ºB) sent his introduction. Very good job Álex!
LUIS (2ºB) wrote his introduction. Great job Luis, it's perfect!
MARÍA BRAVO (2ºA) sent her introduction. Excellent job María!
Pay attention to SARA's video (2ºA). Well done Sara!
SILVIA (3ºA) sent her video. Excellent job Silvia!
Look at ANDRÉ (2ºB). He also sent his video. Great job André!
Pay attention to MON's introduction (3ºA). Well done Mon!
Listen to CANDELA (3ºB). Very good job!
NOA (3ºA) introduces herself perfectly well in this video. Excellent Noa!
ALEJANDRA (2ºB) also sent her introduction. Great job Noa!
Pay attention to MATEO (3ºB). Excellent job Mateo!
Listen to QUIQUE (2ºB) introducing himself. Great job Quique!
BREIXO (2ºA) sent his video. Excellent Breixo!
LUCÍA (2ºB) sent her video. Well done Lucía!
Pay attention to IVÁN (3ºB). Excellent Iván!
SARA (3ºA) sent a wonderful video. Look at it! Great job Sara!

JAVIER (2ºA) sent his video and his text. Excellent job Javi, well done!
CATUXA (2ºA) wrote a wonderful text. It's perfect! Excellent job Catu!
LUIS (2ºB) wrote his introduction. Great job Luis, it's perfect!
Enjoy your day!
Ola nenos e nenas de 2º e 3º!
Hoxe gustaríame que traballaramos as presentacións. Para iso déixovos un vídeo de exemplo no que me presento a min mesma. Apetécevos facer o mesmo?
É moi sinxelo, só tendes que contestar ás preguntas grandes que aparecen en laranxa un pouco máis arriba e gravarvos contestándoas, tendes ao lado das preguntas as respostas en azul, só lles falta a vosa información!
O ideal sería que antes de gravarvos escribirades as respostas nun papel creando un mini texto como o que vos deixo de exemplo (na parte que está en laranxa iría a vosa información) e despois de escribir o texto xa vos poderiades gravar.
AVISO IMPORTANTE PARA OS NENOS E NENAS DE 2º! Non fai falla que escribades o texto nin que contestedes a todas as preguntas. Podedes gravar o voso vídeo coas seguintes frases:
- Hello.
- My name is ...
- I'm ... years old.
- I'm from ...
- My favourite colour is ...
Espero que vos apeteza moito facer esta actividade.
Unha aperta grande!
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