xoves, 11 de xuño de 2020


Good morning kids!

Today is Thursday, 11th June 2020. Would you like to play some games? Let's go!

Here you have a game to practice some vocabulary. You can choose the topic you want. Just click on the image to play. 
Aquí tendes xogos para practicar vocabulario. Podedes escoller o tema que queirades (comida, animais, partes da casa...). Facede click na imaxe para xogar.


Practice the Days of the week with this memory game. Click on the image to play.
Practica os días da semana con este xogo de memoria. Fai click na imaxe para xogar.


Practice some easy numbers and answer the question: How old are you?
Practica uns números faciliños e contesta á pregunta: Cantos anos tes?

Practice numbers from 10 to 100 with the Crocodile Game.
Practica os números do 10 ao 100 co xogo do crocodilo.

And now you can watch a Steve and Maggie story about numbers. Here it is!
E agora podedes ver unha historia de Steve and Maggie sobre os números. Aquí está!

Have a wonderful day boys and girls!  

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