venres, 20 de marzo de 2020


Good afternoon everyone!

Today is Friday, 20th March 2020. And... What's the weather like today, like today, like today, what's the weather like today in A Illa? Today is rainy

Would you like to draw today? I show you some videos to draw different things. Are you ready? 

Look how to draw a PRINCE

Look how to draw an ALIEN

Look how to draw a UNICORN

Look how to draw a T-REX 

If you want, you cand send me your pictures and I will post them here 😉 

And you can also watch more videos on YouTube, you just have to type: SUPER SIMPLE DRAW
Have a nice day and see you soon! 

Ola peques!!

Apetécevos debuxar hoxe un pouquiño? Déixovos algunhas suxerencias en catro vídeos diferentes. Se queredes podedes mandarme as vosas creacións de artistas a e eu subireinas aquí.

Se vos apetece debuxar outras cousas, buscade vídeos en YouTube escribindo SUPER SIMPLE DRAW. Tendes moitísimas propostas.

Tende un bo día e vémonos pronto! 

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