Good afternoon kids!
How are you today? Today is Wednesday, 1st April 2020. And what's the weather like today? It's sunny and cold!
Today I suggest a challenge for you. Do you know who Leandro Lamas is? He is a Galician artist who makes very beatiful drawings like these:
He suggests a challenge: to draw a picture like this one:
You need:
One pencil
One rubber
One paper
One ruler
And you have to follow the next steps:
STEP 10:
STEP 11:
STEP 12:
STEP 13:
STEP 14:
Look at this amazing video:
You can write Fico na casa or Stay at home (in English 😉). And of course you can colour your picture as you want!
You can also send me your picture to and I will post it here.
Thank you so much to Leandro Lamas for sharing!
Have a great day!
OLAIA (3ºA) and her mum IRIA made these beautiful drawings. Thank you Olaia and Iria!!
Someone sent this picture... Can you guess whose this is?
Alguén mandou este debuxo... Pero non quere que o seu nome sexa revelado. Podedes adiviñar de quen é? Aí vai unha pista: é dun/ha profe!
And the same teacher drew a different drawing. It's so nice! Thank you Profe... who?
BREOGÁN (1ºB) sent this beatiful picture. He did such a good job! Thank you Breo and thank you Charo for your help 🙂
MARA (4ºA) and MARÍA sent these beatiful drawings. Thank you so much! Excellent job!
SILVIA (2ºB) sent this great drawing. Thank you so much Silvia. Excellent! Good job!
And Profe MILA also drew this great picture. Thank you Mila, it's wonderful!
Profe ALICIA also sends this picture. Thanks Alicia! It's amazing!
IKER (4ºA) sent his picture. Well done Iker!
I'm so happy to see that families are also taking part in the activity. MARÍA (Ainara and Gael's mum) sent this beatiful drawing. It's not the same as yours, but it's also a Leandro Lamas' idea. Here it is. Thank you María!
INMA (Clara's mum 1ºB) also drew her picture. Thank you Inma!! It's lovely!
What a surprise! Profe CINTHIA also sent her picture. It's so beautiful! Thank you Cinthia!
LUCÍA (Alicia's mum 1ºB) sent her drawing too. Thank you so much Lucía!
ÁLVARO (3ºB) and his mum MERCHI sent their drawings. Thank you so much! Great jobs!
SARA, TELMA (2ºB) and their mum DIANA also drew these amazing drawings. Thank you family!
Look at MIGUEL (1ºA)! He also sent his beautiful drawing. Excellent job Miguel!
Ola peques!
Como estades? Espero que estupendamente. Sei que o estades a facer xenial, así que moito ánimo!
Hoxe tráiovos un reto. Coñecedes a Leandro Lamas? El é un artista galego que fai uns debuxos impresionantes, podedes ver algúns exemplos arriba. Tamén podedes buscalo en Google.
Pois este magnífico artista compartiu o seu traballo a través das redes sociais e propón varios debuxos como os seus para facer.
Eu tráiovos a súa idea e propóñovos un deles (podedes velo arriba no post). Para realizalo precisades un folio, un lapis, unha goma, unha regla e pinturas de cores.
Déixovos en fotos todos os pasos que tendes que seguir para realizalo. Por suposto podedes pintalo como máis vos guste. Recordade non cargar moito co lapis por se tendes que borrar. Cando escribades a frase podédela poñer en galego (EU FICO NA CASA) ou en inglés (STAY AT HOME), como vós prefirades.
Cando teñades os debuxos feitos podedes envialos a e eu súboos a este post.
Moito ánimo campións e campioas!
Unha aperta ben grande.
Olaia di que é de Carlos Abraira.
It's not! Let's continue with the mistery...
ResponderEliminarEste comentario foi eliminado polo autor.
ResponderEliminarOla! Son a mestra Alicia e creo que hai dúas pistiñas que me fan sospeitar algo pero...non sei, non sei! ;)
ResponderEliminarPor certo, Olaia e Iria! Vaia artistazas!! E que actividade máis chula teacher! Bueno, coma todas as que propós! Ata eu estou practicando algo de inglés! Thankssssss!! :)