xoves, 16 de abril de 2020

MY FAMILY (2nd GRADE: 2ºA / 2ºB)

Good morning kids!

Today is Thursday, 16th April 2020.

Let's review some vocabulary related to FAMILY.

And... SURPRISE! This is my family:

Are you ready to introduce your family? 

- Show a photo of your family or draw them.
- Write: 
  • This is my mum / dad / brother / sister... (choose the correct word) 
  • His / Her name is ... (and the name)
  • He / She is ... (the age) years old.
- Follow my example.
- Send it to thearousabridge@gmail.com

    • HE: EL
    • SHE: ELA
    • HIS: SEU (DE EL)
    • HER: SEU (DE ELA)

This is ÁLVARO's family: María, Juan, Laura and Álvaro. Good job Álvaro (2ºB)!

This is RAÚL's family: Julio, Goretti, Lois and Raúl. Great job Raúl (2ºB)!

 Look at LUCÍA's family: María, Lucía, Hugo and Rivas. Thank you Lucía (2ºB)! Excellent!

This is ALEJANDRA's family: Arturo, Adrián, Melani and Alejandra. Great job Alejandra (2ºB)!

Look at JAVIER's family: Javier, Tamara and Javi. Excellent job Javi (2ºA)!

This is DANIELLA's family: Mabilde, Milena, Rosana, Toño and Daniella. Excellent Daniella (2ºA)! Good job!

This is IAGO's family: Pablo, Iago, Hugo and Gema. Look at them! Thank you Iago (2ºB), very good job!

Look at JEAN PIERRE's family: Zaira, François, Francisco, Esther and Jean Pierre. Excellent Jean Pierre (2ºB)! Thank you so much!

SILVIA made an execellent drawing of her family: Cris, Ramón, Sara and Silvia. Thank you Silvia (2ºB)! Great job!

This is ANXO's family: Golfo, Anxo, Araceli, Amanda and José Ramón. Very good Anxo (2ºB)!! Good job! 

Look at MARIO's family: Mario, Claudia, Vero and Rober Great job! Thank you Mario (2ºB)! 

Look at MARCOS' family: Eva, Marcos, Mateo and Marcos. They're a Harry Potter family! Good job Marcos (2ºA)!

You can see IVÁN's family here: Salomé, Iván, María and Iván. Very good job Iván (2ºB), excellent! 

 Look at ANDREA's family: Thiago, Andrea, Ana and Jose. Excellent drawing Andrea (2ºB)!

This is YASMINA's family: Miguel, Paula, Ainara and Yasmina. Great job Yasmina (2ºA)! 

Look at MARÍA and SARA's family! They are in Perlím. Excellent girls (2ºA)! 

CAYETANA (2ºA) sent a wonderful drawing of her family. They are Fernando, Natalia, Cayetana and Daniela. Very good Cayetana! 

LOLA ARROYO (2ºA) sent a lovely picture of her family. They are: Puri, Agustín, Carme, Isaac and Lola. Very good job Lola!  

 Look at MAR's family (2ºA). They are Graciela, Manuel, Cibrán and Mar. Excellent job!

 This is QUIQUE's family (2ºB). Look at his mum, grandpa and grandma. Great job Quique!

 Look at LOLA INSUA (2ºA) with her family. She is with her dad Richi, her mum Loli, her brother Yago and her dog Jake. Excellent job Lola!

BREIXO (2ºA) drew his family. He drew his grandma, his dad, his mum and his cousin. Great job Breixo!

Ola peques!

Como estades hoxe? Espero que estupendamente.

Hoxe déixovos vocabulario relacionado coa familia. Mirade a primeira foto para recordar as palabras.

E... sorpresa! Déixovos unha foto presentándovos a miña familia. E invítovos a presentarnos á vosa. Estades preparados e preparadas? 

Que pasos teño que seguir?

1. Escolle unha foto da túa familia ou debúxaos.
2. Escribe:
    - This is my mum / dad / brother / sister... (escolle a palabra correcta)
    - His / Her name is ... (escribes o seu nome)     - He / She is ... (escribes a súa idade, vale en número) years old.
3. Segue o exemplo que vos deixo. O da miña familia.
4. Envía o teu traballo a thearousabridge@gmail.com


- He: El
- She: Ela
- His: seu (de el)
- Her: seu (de ela)

Unha aperta xigantesca!

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