Do you remember the days of the week and the song we sing every day?
Do you want to play a memory game? I know you love them. Let's go!!
What about the months?
Don't forget to look outside to check the weather. And sing!
What's the weather like today, like today, like today? What's the weather like today in A Illa?
Is it sunny today? Is it cloudy today?

Is it windy today?
Is it rainy today?
Let's sing!!!!
Sunny, sunny, sunny. Windy, windy, windy. Rainy, rainy, rainy. Cloudy, cloudy, cloudy. Look outside, what's the weather like? Today it's cloudy, today is cloudy, today is cloudy.
Do you want to play? Let's go!
Big hugs for all of you!! ❤️❤️❤️
Ola peques!
Déixovos cancións e xogos sobre os días da semana, meses do ano e tempo atmosférico para que non esquezades as rutinas que facemos na clase de inglés.
Moitas apertas virtuais!!
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