venres, 8 de maio de 2020


Good morning 4th graders!

As you know we are going to celebrate a special day: LETRAS GALEGAS. And I would like to work this day in Arts & Crafts. 

For this reason I want to introduce you to Andy Warhol and Pop Art. Watch this video:

Have you seen it? It's soooo cool, isn't it? Look at some Andy Warhol's designs:

So... what do you have to do? You have to decorate Ricardo Carvalho Calero's photo as if you were Andy Warhol. I give you different options:
  • You can print the photo.
  • You can copy it from your screen.
  • You can draw Carvalho Calero.
Here he is...

When you finish send it to me to and I will post your creations here.

Let's go artists!


 CHLOÉ (4ºA) sent her creation. WOW! Wonderful Chloé. Congratulations!

 MAELYS (4ºB) sent her drawing. I love it Maelys! Excellent!

Look at NAGORE's creation (4ºB). Very good job Nagore, wonderful! 

Pay attention to LUCAS OTERO's drawing (4ºB). Excellent Lucas! I love your drawing!

 ALÉN (4ºB) also designed a wonderful drawing. Very good job Alén!

 Look at GABRIELA's original design (4ºA). I love it Gabriela! Excellent!

RITA (4ºB) sent her wonderful creation. Excellent job Rita Warhol 😉

 Look at VERA's drawing (4ºB). It's so great! Excellent Vera!

CLAUDIA TREVIÑO (4ºB) also sent her creation. I love it Claudia! It's wonderful!

IKER (4ºA) sent his drawing. Excellent job Iker, it's perfect! 

 Look at LUCAS POZA's creation (4ºB). Excellent job Lucas!

IRENE (4ºA) also sent her drawing. Well done Irene!

CLAUDIA RIOS' (4ºB) design is great! I love it Claudia!

 What a beautiful design MARÍA (4ºA). Thank you so much!

HUGO (4ºB) also sent his design. Excellent job Hugo!

 LÍA (4ºA) designed an excellent drawing. Very good job Lía!

PABLO (4ºA) also sent his creation. Excellent job!

 MANUEL (4ºA) designed his own Andy Warhol. Excellent job Manuel!

DANI (4ºB) sent this wonderful creation. Very good job Dani! 

Look at MAURO's creation (4ºB). Excellent job Mauro! 

MARIÑA (4ºB) drew Carvalho Calero's portrait and decorated it following the Pop Art technique. Excellent job Mariña! 

ELOY (4ºA) sent this wonderful creation. I love it Eloy! Excellent job! 

 Look at GAEL's design (4ºB). Excellento job Gael!

 CAYETANA (4ºA) created her design. Very good Cayetana!

BRAIS (4ºB) created a wonderful design. Well done Brais! 

 ÓSCAR (4ºA) also sent his creation. Excellent job Óscar!

 Look at LUCÍA's design (4ºA). Excellent job Lucía!

 NICOLE (4ºB) also sent her creation. Very good Nicole!

Ola nenos e nenas de 4º!

Hoxe, dende a área de plástica, gustaríame celebrar con vós o día das Letras Galegas que como ben sabedes é o 17 de maio. Para iso propóñovos coñecer a Andy Warhol e o seu Pop Art. Prestade moita atención ao vídeo. Déixovos tamén algúns deseños que fixo este artista para que vos inspiredes. 

E que tendes que facer vós? Decorar a foto de Ricardo Carvalho Calero, que como sabedes é o autor ao que se homenaxea este ano, seguindo a técnica do Pop Art.
Podedes imprimir a súa foto, calcala dende a vosa pantalla ou debuxala por vós mesmos. Despois pintádea  coa técnica que acabades de coñecer e, cando o traballo estea listo, enviádeo a
Podedes facelo en folio ou cartolina, pintalo con ceras, rotuladores, acuarelas... Deixo a decisión nas vosas mans para que usedes o material que tendes na casa. Non é necesario que saiades mercar nada.

Espero que desfrutedes moito facendo esta actividade e que, coma sempre, saquedes ás e aos artistas que levades dentro! 

Unha aperta grande.

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